John Day, who lives in Chattanooga, was born in Huntsville in 1922 and played football and basketball at Huntsville High School in the late 1930s and later played varsity football and baseball at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville. He was a Little All-American lineman at Tennessee Tech. He went on to become a high school line coach in Nashville and then served as a chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy from 1942-45. As a center on the Great Lakes Naval Training Team, Day played on a team that defeated Notre Dame in 43. After the war, Day signed a pro contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers, but an injury cut his playing career short. He coached football and basketball at Huntsvilles Joe Bradley High School in 1949 and later served as Bobby Bowdens line coach at Howard College (now Samford) in 1951-52. He became a coach and administrator at McCallie School in Chattanooga in 1953 and remained there until his retirement in 1994. Among other things at McCallie, he coached football and track, served as Keo-Kio Leadership Club Advisor, was faculty head of the senior dorm and the director of McCallie Day Camp.